Modifying the collation of a database is not allowed when the database contains memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules.
Modern-Spanish-100, case-sensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
Modification of these policies is not permitted for Data-tier Applications. Please modify these policies from the Managed ...
Modifications to tables where a primary key column has property '{0}' set to '{1}' are not supported. Use '{2}' pattern instead. ...
Modify your application as required to account for the changes in results of FOR XML AUTO queries that include derived tables ...
Modifying the collation of a database is not allowed when the database contains memory optimized tables or natively compiled ...
Modifying the {0} property of the {1} object is not allowed. You must drop and recreate the object with the desired property. ...
Module %1 cannot load DLL %2 to call entry point %3 because of error %4. The product requires that DLL to run, but the DLL ...
Module %1 loaded DLL %2, but cannot find entry point %3 because of error %4. The named DLL could not be found on the path, ...
MOLAP partition with the Name='%{name/}' Id='%{id/}' cannot have aggregations built on top of ROLAP dimension except at the ...