Copies a single file to another location. COPY source destination source Specifies the file to be copied destination Specifies ...

Copies a single file to another location.    COPY source [destination]      source       Specifies the file to be copied      destination  Specifies the directory and/or file name for the new file    The source may be removable media, any directory within the system  directories of the current Windows installation, the root of any drive,  the local installation sources, or the Cmdcons directory.    The destination may be any directory within the system directories  of the current Windows installation, the root of any drive, the local  installation sources, or the cmdcons directory.    The destination cannot be removable media.    If a destination is not specified, it defaults to the current directory.    COPY does not support replaceable parameters (wildcards).    COPY prompts if the destination file already exists.    A compressed file from the Windows installation CD is automatically  decompressed as it is copied.
English (United States)