SMS Component Status Summarizer set the status of component "%1", running on computer "%2", to Critical.%12 Possible cause: ...

%11SMS Component Status Summarizer set the status of component "%1", running on computer "%2", to Critical.%12

Possible cause: The component is experiencing a problem.
Solution: Diagnose and fix the problem by:
1. Examining the status messages that the component reports.
2. Correcting the problem.
3. Instructing SMS Component Status Summarizer to reset the counts of Error, Warning, and/or Informational status messages reported by the component. To reset the counts, right-click Reset Counts on the component in the Component Status summary in the SMS Administrator console. When the counts are reset, SMS Component Status Summarizer will change the status of the component to OK. This might take some time if site "%3" is a child site.
4. Delete any unwanted status messages from the SMS site database, if necessary.
5. Monitor the component occasionally to verify that the problem does not reoccur.

Possible cause: The component is OK and you were unnecessarily alerted because the Component Status Thresholds are set too low for the component.
Solution: Increase the Component Status Thresholds for the component using the Thresholds tab of the Component Status Summarizer Properties dialog box in the SMS Administrator console.

Possible cause: The component is flooding the status system by rapidly reporting the same message repeatedly.
Solution: Diagnose and control the flood of status messages by:
1. Verifying that the component is actually flooding the status system. View the status messages reported by the component and verify that the same message is continually reported every several minutes or seconds.
2. Noting the Message ID of the flooded status message.
3. Creating a Status Filter Rule for site "%3" that instructs Status Manager to discard the flooded status message when component "%1" on computer "%2" reports it. 
4. Verifying that your sites' databases were not filled up by the flooded status message.  Delete any duplicate status messages from the site database, if necessary.
5. Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.%0
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