Use the Logical Date functoid to return the value "true" if the input parameter is a date. This functoid requires one input parameter.
Use the Iteration functoid to return the sequence number for a looping record in the output message instance. This functoid ...
Use the Less Than functoid to return the value "true" if the first input parameter is less than the second input parameter. ...
Use the Less Than or Equal To functoid to return the value "true" if the first input parameter is less than or equal to the ...
Use the Logical AND functoid to return the logical AND of input parameters. This functoid requires two to one hundred input ...
Use the Logical Date functoid to return the value "true" if the input parameter is a date. This functoid requires one input ...
Use the Logical Existence functoid to return the value "true" if the input record or field exists in the source message. ...
Use the Logical NOT functoid to return the logical inversion of the input parameter. This functoid requires one input parameter ...
Use the Logical Numeric functoid to return the value "true" if the input parameter is a number. This functoid requires one ...
Use the Logical OR functoid to return the logical OR of input parameters. The input parameters have to be boolean or numeric. ...