The service does not expose IProjectionProvider interface which is required when projection is requested. Request could not be processed.
The service cannot be activated because it requires ASP.NET compatibility. ASP.NET compatibility is not enabled for this ...
The service class of type {0} both defines a ServiceContract and inherits a ServiceContract from type {1}. Contract inheritance ...
The service class of type {0} both defines a ServiceContract and inherits a ServiceContract from type {1}. Contract inheritance ...
The Service contains multiple ServiceEndpoints with different ContractDescriptions which each have Name='{0}' and Namespace='{1}'. ...
The service does not expose IProjectionProvider interface which is required when projection is requested. Request could not ...
The service does not expose IProjectionProvider interface which is required when top level results are paged. Request could ...
The service endpoint failed to listen on the URI '{0}' because access was denied. Verify that the current user is granted ...
The service endpoint failed to listen on the URI '{0}' because access was denied. Verify that the current user is granted ...
The service endpoint failed to listen on the URI '{0}' because the shared memory section was not found. Verify that the '{1}' ...