Create a new delegation.
A delegation allows one user to do work on behalf of another user, such as submitting the second user's timesheet. Click Act as a Delegate to start acting as another user.
Could not retrieve Enterprise global template.}There seems to be a problem with the database, please contact your server ...
Could not save resources.}There were problems saving the specified resources. Please look at the errors in the ^1 column, ...
Create a document library when you have a collection of documents or other files that you want to share. Document libraries ...
Create a new analysis. Through portfolio analysis, you can prioritize projects and make selection decisions based on cost ...
Create a new delegation. A delegation allows one user to do work on behalf of another user, such as submitting the second ...
Create a new dependency: if one project from the specified set is selected, then none of the other projects from the set ...
Create a new dependency: if the specified project is selected, then the specified group of related projects are also selected. ...
Create a new driver. A driver is an objective that projects can be measured against. Drivers can be used to determine which ...
Create a new personal task to report work on. This enables you to report time on a task when there is no other available ...