%1(%2,%3): error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while registering the %7 activatable class: %6. Try again and contact the package publisher if the problem persists.
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while parsing the %7 Extension element: ...
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while parsing the %7 extension: %6. ...
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while parsing the %7 service ID: %6. ...
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while parsing the package: %6. Try again ...
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while registering the %7 activatable ...
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while registering the %7 contract ID: ...
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while registering the %7 extension: ...
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the following error was encountered while registering WebAccountProvider ...
error %4: Cannot register the %5 package because the ServerName attribute cannot be specified for an AppServer extension ...