To delete a defined option type from the DHCP server. Syntax: delete optiondef[vendor=VendorName] Parameters: OptCode - Unique identifier for the option type to be deleted. VendorName - The vendor class name with which the option type is associated. The vendor= field tag must be provided. If no class is specified, the default is assumed to be the non-vendor specific DHCP Standard Options class. Example: delete optiondef 18 This command deletes an option type with code 18 from the DHCP Standard Options class.
To define a new option type for use on the DHCP server. Syntax: add optiondef vendor=VendorClass comment=OptComment DefValue ...
To delete a client address reservation from the current scope. Syntax: delete reservedip Parameters: ReservedIP - The IP ...
To delete a client lease from the current scope. Syntax: delete lease {leaseip | \hostname | allbadaddresses | allrasserveraddresses} ...
To delete a currently set exclusion range from the list for the current multicast scope. Syntax: delete excluderange Parameters: ...
To delete a defined option type from the DHCP server. Syntax: delete optiondef vendor=VendorName Parameters: OptCode - Unique ...
To delete a DHCP server from the list of authorized servers in the directory service. delete server Parameters: ServerDNS ...
To delete a list of owners and their records. Syntax: delete owners Servers=]{List of IP addresses} Op=]0|1 Parameters: Servers ...
To delete a multicast scope from the DHCP server. Syntax: delete mscope Parameters: MscopeName - Name of the multicast scope ...
To delete a range of IP addresses and resize the overall range of the current multicast scope. Syntax: delete iprange Parameters: ...