The specified source virtual machine cannot be used to create a new virtual machine because the disk at location (%BusType;, %Bus;, %Lun;) is a pass-through disk and two virtual machines cannot share the same pass-through disk.
The specified PXE server has the VMM agent already installed. This PXE server may be associated with another VMM management ...
The specified resources cannot be added because they are not in the scope of your current user role. Contact your VMM administrator ...
The specified set of adapters has adapters that are transient management network adapters for virtual management network ...
The specified size for virtual hard disk %FileName; must be larger than its current size and less than the maximum size supported ...
The specified source virtual machine cannot be used to create a new virtual machine because the disk at location (%BusType;, ...
The specified source virtual machine cannot be used to create a new virtual machine because the disk is a pass-through disk ...
The specified SQL Server database, %DatabaseName;, is a Virtual Machine Manager 2007 database, which cannot be upgraded directly ...
The specified SQL Server database, %DatabaseName;, is a Virtual Machine Manager 2007 database, which is not valid for this ...
The specified subnet address %Address; is invalid. It has to be in the CDIR notation | / and the subnet prefix length should ...