The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to parse data into BAM data type '{1}' during run time for interceptor configuration for EventSource '{2}' OnEvent '{3}'.
The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', the interceptor configuration for EventSource '{1}' ...
The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to create additional BAM Interceptor performance ...
The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to find event source name for technology ...
The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to parse application configuration parameter ...
The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to parse data into BAM data type '{1}' during ...
The BAM Interceptor detected the following error : In host process '{0}', unable to parse string '{1}' into BAM data type ...
The BAM Interceptor detected the following warning : In host process '{0}', unable to create performance counters : {1} Please ...
The BAM Interceptor for Windows Communication Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', '{1}' configuration ...
The BAM Interceptor for Windows Communication Foundation detected the following error : In host process '{0}', error evaluating ...