There is no agent available for the role that must run the tests. Your tests cannot be run. You can perform one of the following actions and then run your tests: - You can wait for an agent to become available for this role to run the tests. - If there are any agents that are offline that can be used for this role, you can bring the agent online or restart the agent so that it is available. - You can add another agent to the role that runs the tests. You may have to install a new agent and add it to a test controller and then add this agent to the role that runs the tests.
There is more than one XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute in assembly '{0}' for OldNamespace '{1}'. Remove the extra attribute(s). ...
There is no active screen saver. To use this button, double-click the Display icon in Control Panel to select a screen saver. ...
There is no agent available for role '{0}', which runs diagnostic data adapters. Your tests can be run, but the diagnostic ...
There is no agent available for role '{0}', which runs diagnostic data adapters. Your tests cannot be run. If you want to ...
There is no agent available for the role that must run the tests. Your tests cannot be run. You can perform one of the following ...
There is no agent available for the role that must run the tests. Your tests cannot be run. You can perform one of the following ...
There is no declarative Web test with the name '{0}' included in this Web test; the string argument to IncludeWebTest must ...
There is no default browser configured on this machine. Help cannot be displayed until a default browser is installed/configured. ...
There is no defined ordering between fields in multiple declarations of partial class or struct '%1!ls!'. To specify an ordering, ...