FilterDescriptor '{0}' with type '{1}' is associated with {2} TypeDescriptors. It has to be associated with exactly one TypeDescriptor.
Files should begin with either a namespace or module declaration, e.g. 'namespace SomeNamespace.SubNamespace' or 'module ...
Files without Unicode encoding can't be added to the dictionary list. Save the file as a Unicode file to add it to the dictionary ...
FILESTREAM_ON cannot be specified when a table has no FILESTREAM columns. Remove the FILESTREAM_ON clause from the statement, ...
Filter properties are not supported by the following technology: {0}. To search for a control, you must remove the filter ...
FilterDescriptor '{0}' with type '{1}' is associated with {2} TypeDescriptors. It has to be associated with exactly one TypeDescriptor. ...
FilterDescriptor with Name '{0}' defined on the TypeDescriptor '{1}' could not be located in the containing method '{2}'. ...
FilterDescriptor with Name '{1}' is associated with {2} TypeDescriptors belonging to Parameter(s) with direction 'Out', 'InOut' ...
FilterDescriptor with Name '{1}' is not associated with any TypeDescriptors belonging to Parameter(s) with direction 'In'. ...
Finalizers should be avoided where possible, to avoid the additional performance overhead involved in tracking object lifetime. ...