Your edits were applied to the first ^0 pictures in the selection. Do you want to cancel the edits for the remaining ^1 pictures in the selection?
Your e-mail administrator requires all signed messages to have a security label. You can change your settings to add a label ...
Your e-mail message contains form controls, which will be converted to images when your message is sent. After the controls ...
Your e-mail server has been updated. The mail server protocol has switched from IMAP to POP3. To use the new configuration ...
Your e-mail server rejected your login with Secure Password Authentication (SPA). Verify the account properties in Account ...
Your edits were applied to the first ^0 pictures in the selection. Do you want to cancel the edits for the remaining ^1 pictures ...
Your evaluation copy of ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^ is going to expire in less than %1!d! days. Now is the time to purchase ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^. ...
Your Exchange security keys must be upgraded. You will be unable to read or send encrypted mail until you upgrade. Do you ...
Your file could not be printed due to an error on |. There are several possible reasons: There may not be enough memory available. ...
Your file(s) cannot be downloaded automatically. This can happen if there is an issue installing or using the ...