The card provider requires you to use a newer version of the card. If you do not have a newer version of this card, exit Windows CardSpace and contact the card provider.
The CallerMemberNameAttribute cannot be applied because there are no standard conversions from type '%1!ls!' to type '%2!ls!' ...
The card collection for Windows CardSpace could not be found or was corrupt. If you have a backup of your card collection, ...
The card is not valid. Verify that there is valid metadata in the EndPointReference element and that the URI scheme is HTTPS. ...
The card provider has declined to provide a preview of the data that will be sent. For more information, click What data ...
The card provider requires you to use a newer version of the card. If you do not have a newer version of this card, exit ...
The cast to value type '{0}' failed because the materialized value is null. Either the result type's generic parameter or ...
The certificate '{0}' must have a private key that is capable of key exchange. The process must have access rights for the ...
The certificate for the client has not been provided. The certificate can be set on the ClientCredentials or ServiceCredentials. ...
The certificate for this site or managed card provider cannot be displayed or is not available. Contact the site or the managed ...