The Site URL property of the project has not been set. In the Properties window, enter the URL for a SharePoint server and try again.
The single-threaded run-time library switches (/MLd, /ML) have been removed from the C++ compiler. The project has been automatically ...
The site for the URL '{0}', exists on both the local IIS web server and the IIS Express web server. To use LightSwitch project ...
The Site URL property of the following project was modified while one or more project files were open in a Web designer: ...
The Site URL property of the project does not contain a valid URL. To ensure that designers work as expected, set the Site ...
The Site URL property of the project has not been set. In the Properties window, enter the URL for a SharePoint server and ...
The size of the AT VM(s) to which to deploy instances of your role. The size of the VM determines the number of CPU cores, ...
The size of the JobAgent VM(s) to which to deploy instances of your role. The size of the VM determines the number of CPU ...
The Smart Device host requires that test assemblies, the code under test, and related files are deployed to the device before ...
The solution '%s' has been modified outside the environment, and there are unsaved changes to the solution. Press Save As ...