Failed to locate a SQL Server of version {0} or later installed on the remote machine. Please verify that a SQL Server of the same or higher version than the source SQL Server is installed on the remote machine.
Failed to load the Cluster Resource Libraries: clusapi.dll and resutils.dll. SQL Server will be unable to accept TCP connections ...
Failed to load the engine script metadata from script DLL '%1!s!'. The error code reported by Windows was %2!s!. This is ...
Failed to load XML due to error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded ...
Failed to load XML from package file "%1!s!" due to error 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". This occurs when loading a package and the file ...
Failed to locate a SQL Server of version {0} or later installed on the remote machine. Please verify that a SQL Server of ...
Failed to locate DataType property in the XML node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
Failed to locate DTSID property in the parent XML node of node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
Failed to locate MappedProperty node in the XML node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
Failed to locate PACKAGEPATH attribute in the XML node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...