This form or other FrontPage component will work correctly if you publish this web to a web server that has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed.
This form is located at an Internet location and contains data connections which access data across domains. Accessing data ...
This form is located at: %1 and is connecting to the following known locations: %2 These data sources are suspicious: %3 ...
This form might not open correctly because it was created with a newer version of the form template than the one currently ...
This form or an add-in tried to open a task pane that is no longer available in (!idspnInfoPath). To fix this problem, contact ...
This form or other FrontPage component will work correctly if you publish this web to a web server that has the FrontPage ...
This form or report contains changes that are incompatible with the current database format. The form or report was not saved.@In ...
This form or report has a module that contains no code. You can make the form or report run faster by removing the module ...
This form or report is based on a query that exceeds the limit for data in a single record.@Exclude any unnecessary fields ...
This form template cannot be activated because it is still being uploaded to the farm. Wait until the form template's status ...