s! remoteservergroup = remoteservergroup address = address acctport = acctport authport = authport acctsharedsecret = acctsharedsecret ...

%1!s!     [ remoteservergroup = ] remoteservergroup     [ address = ] address     [ [ acctport = ] acctport       [ authport = ] authport       [ acctsharedsecret = ] acctsharedsecret       [ authsharedsecret = ] authsharedsecret       [ requireauthattrib = ] YES|NO       [ priority = ] priority       [ weight = ] weight       [ timeout = ] timeout       [ maxdropped = ] maxdropped       [ blackout = ] blackout       [ notifications = ] YES|NO ]       Adds remote server configuration.       remoteservergroup - the name of the remote server group (required).       address - the DNS name or IP address of the remote server (required).       acctport - the accounting port (optional). If none is provided, 1813 is                assumed.       authport - the authentication port (optional). If none is provided, 1812                is assumed.       authsharedsecret - the accounting shared secret (optional).       acctsharedsecret - the authentication shared secret (optional).       requireauthattrib - require verification for access-request messages                         (optional).        YES - required (default).        NO  - not required.       priority - server priority (optional). Primary servers are specified as                1. 1-65535 are valid. If none is provided, 1 is assumed.       weight - frequency with which requests are sent to servers in a priority              group (optional). 1-65535 are valid. If none is provided, 50 is              assumed.         timeout - maximum non-responsive time before the request is considered               dropped, in seconds (optional). If none is provided, 3 is               assumed.       maxdropped - maximum number of requests that can be dropped before the                  server is considered to be unavailable (optional). If none                  is provided, 5 is assumed.       blackout - time between requests that the server is considered                unavailable, in seconds (optional). If none is provided, 30                is assumed.       notifications - forward server start/stop notifications (optional).        YES - forward notifications (default).        NO  - do not forward notifications.       Example:        %1!s! remoteservergroup = "Servers1"          address = "Server1.MyCorp.com
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