Failed to write to the virtual hard disk failed because the system failed to allocate a new block in the virtual hard disk.
Failed to update the storage location of the second level paging files to '%5' for virtual machine '%1': %3 (%4). (Virtual ...
Failed to update virtual machine '{0}' in '{1}' cluster. Unable to find Failover Cluster cmdlets. Install the Failover Cluster ...
Failed to upgrade printer settings for printer %1 driver %2. Error: %3. The device settings for the printer are set to those ...
Failed to watch for spell checking option changes: %1. Spell checking will remain available, but no changes will be reported. ...
Failed to write to the virtual hard disk failed because the system failed to allocate a new block in the virtual hard disk. ...
Failed while deleting Data Exchange integration service item '%3' from the registry of the guest operating system: %4 (%5). ...
Failed while deleting Data Exchange integration service item '%3' from the registry of the guest operating system: %4 (%5). ...
Failed while setting Data Exchange integration service item '%3' in the registry of the guest operating system: %4 (%5). ...
Failed while setting the Data Exchange integration service item '%3' in the registry of the guest operating system: %4 (%5). ...