Command line usage: WINSAT switches Valid assessment names formal run the full set of assessments and save the results features ...

Command line usage:          WINSAT  [switches]                  Valid assessment names             formal      run the full set of assessments and save the results             features    just run the features assessment             cpu         run the cpu assessment             mem         run the system memory assessment             dwm         run the desktop window manager assessment             d3d         run the d3d assessment             media       run the media assessment             mfmedia     run the Media Foundation based assessment             disk        run the storage assessment          An assessment name is mandatory.                  The 'formal' assessment will run all the assessments and save the data          in '%systemroot%\windows\performance\datastore'  This is the only          assessment that will save data in this location.                  The 'features' assessment simply enumerates the system's features.           This is best used with the '-xml ' switch to save the data.           The '-eef' switch can be used to enumerate extra features such as         optical disks, memory modules, and other items.                  Other command line paramters include include:             '-v'                      enable verbose output             '-xml '         save the XML output to 'filename'                      Running the "winsat dwm" command will re-assess the systems graphics         capabilities and restart the desktop window manager.                  Please see the online Command Reference for more information          on the command line parameters used with the other assessments.