The ForwardBufferMemory property indicates how much memory IP allocates to store packet data in the router packet queue. When this buffer space is filled, the router begins discarding packets at random from its queue. Packet queue data buffers are 256 bytes in length, so the value of this parameter should be a multiple of 256. Multiple buffers are chained together for larger packets. The IP header for a packet is stored separately. This parameter is ignored and no buffers are allocated if the IP router is not enabled. The buffer size can range from the network MTU to the a value smaller than 0xFFFFFFFF. Default: 74240 (fifty 1480-byte packets, rounded to a multiple of 256).
The format of the specified snap-in name was not valid. Windows PowerShell snap-in names can only contain alpha-numeric characters, ...
The format of the World Wide Name "{0}" contains an error. Specify the World Wide Name as a value with 16 hexadecimal digits, ...
The format of the World Wide Name parameter contains an error. Specify the World Wide Name as a value with 16 hexadecimal ...
The formatted message. This message is constructed by combining some or all of the dynamic elements specified in the MessageArguments ...
The ForwardBufferMemory property indicates how much memory IP allocates to store packet data in the router packet queue. ...
The forwarder is having a problem communicating with subscription manager at address %1. Error code is %2 and Error Message ...
The FQDN of the resource domain containing the KMS SRV records for the org. Returns null if SetKeyManagementServiceLookupDomain ...
The FragmentIDs of the same object must be in sequence, incrementally changing by 1. This can happen if the fragments are ...
The FreeSpace property indicates the space available in the paging file. The operating system can enlarge the paging file ...