You already have ({0}) chats active. Please close some existing chats so you can receive an incoming chat or start a new one.
X-header named properties must be created. Not creating a named property for a custom header will result in a non-delivery ...
X.400 connector '{3}' was found in the organization. Exchange Server 2007 does not support X.400 connectors. This connector ...
XML schema validation failed for the file "%1" at line %2. The error was "%3". A Unified Messaging configuration data file ...
XML schema validation failed for the file "%1" at line %2. The error was "%3". A Unified Messaging configuration data file ...
You already have ({0}) chats active. Please close some existing chats so you can receive an incoming chat or start a new ...
You are about to create a rule in an organization where Hub Transport servers running Exchange Server 2007 exist. To ensure ...
You are assigning permissions to the local group %s. Local groups can only be used in the domain where they are created, ...
You are attempting to remove permissions ({2}) that user {0} does not have. You cannot remove a right that the user does ...
You are attempting to remove the last public folder database in the organization. If you remove this database, all of its ...