comScore Digital Analytix allows customers to discover and analyze key business metrics. The Power BI content pack allows you to monitor and explore your web analytics data, including visits and page views by country, browser and more. This content pack includes a dashboard and report that can be fully customized based on the curated dataset behind it. Your data will be refreshed on a schedule that you control, ensuring your data is always up to date.
Compression for the segment '%d{segment/}' of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table completed in '%d{steps/}' steps with '%d{clusters/}' ...
Compute the product of the values in column a and column b in the table ({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 3, b = 4], a = 5, b = 6]}) ...
Computes the density of the list {0} by creating a table of records that reports the count for each value. An optional equation ...
Computes the distribution of values in the list {0}, into a table of buckets. These buckets include Start, Center, and End ...
comScore Digital Analytix allows customers to discover and analyze key business metrics. The Power BI content pack allows ...
Condition cannot be specified for Column member '{0}' because it is marked with a 'Computed' or 'Identity' StoreGeneratedPattern. ...
Condition member '{0}' with a condition other than 'IsNull=False' is mapped. Either remove the condition on {0} or remove ...
Connect and explore your appFigures data in Power BI. The appFigures content pack automatically creates a dashboard where ...
Connect and explore your appFigures data in Power BI. The out of box dashboard allows you to monitor and explore data about ...