Specifies the number of days that long policy evaluation history should be retained. If this value is 0, the history will not be automatically removed.
Specifies the name of the SQL Server failover cluster instance. This name is the network name that is used to connect to ...
Specifies the number of buckets in which to discretize (group) members of the attribute. The method used to discretize the ...
Specifies the number of cases that are used to train the model. The algorithm either uses the number specified by SAMPLE_SIZE ...
Specifies the number of cases that the algorithm uses on each pass if the CLUSTERING_METHOD parameter is set to one of the ...
Specifies the number of days that long policy evaluation history should be retained. If this value is 0, the history will ...
Specifies the number of instances of the leftmost outer group to appear to the left of the data region. This property is ...
Specifies the number of members in the attribute. This number is either the amount last counted by Analysis Services, or ...
Specifies the number of possible downstream execution graphs. Set to a value greater than 1 to enhance performance by executing ...
Specifies the number of returned rows using the TOP clause for the Edit command. Specifying a value of 0 returns all rows. ...