Cortana is enabled (if available) and will send speech and typing input data to Microsoft. Microsoft will use that info to improve the suggestion and recognition platforms.
Corp Subnets Changed Reason: %1 All Domain Subnets: %2 Group Policy Configured Domain Subnets: %3 All DA Nat64 Domain Subnets: ...
CorrectableError property indicates whether the most recent error was correctable. This property is not used if ErrorInfo ...
CorrelationId = %1; GroupOperationId = %2; OperationId = %3; Operation = %4; ClientMachine = %5; User = %6; ClientProcessId ...
Corrupt Disk} The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the Chkdsk utility on the volume ...
Cortana is enabled (if available) and will send speech and typing input data to Microsoft. Microsoft will use that info to ...
Cortana is your sidekick, ready to help with anything that keeps you super, heroic, or just on time. To let Cortana to do ...
Cote d'Ivoire|Republic of Cote d'Ivoire|Rep of Cote d'Ivoire|Ivory Coast|Elfenbeinküste|Elfenbeinkueste|Costa de Marfil|Côte ...
Could not access a partition of the directory service located on a remote server. Make sure at least one server is running ...
Could not access the WS-Management catalog from %1. The catalog contains the metadata that describes resources, or logical ...