Level the entire project.Leveling resolves resource conflicts or overallocations by delaying or splitting tasks, based on the settings in the Leveling Options dialog box.
LeftCopies the contents and formats of the rightmost cell or cells of a selected range into the cells to the left. Copied ...
LegendAdds a legend to the right of the plot area, and resizes the plot area to accommodate the legend. If the chart already ...
Let us check your spelling and grammar.The icon tells you when proofing marks are hidden in the selected text or for the ...
Level tasks for the selected resources.Leveling resolves resource conflicts or overallocations by delaying or splitting tasks, ...
Level the entire project.Leveling resolves resource conflicts or overallocations by delaying or splitting tasks, based on ...
Level the selected tasks.Leveling resolves resource conflicts or overallocations by delaying or splitting tasks, based on ...
License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the ...
Lightning BoltDraws a lightning bolt where you click or drag in the active window. To draw a lightning bolt that retains ...
Lightweight task keeps Microsoft Office Document Cache in good shape. Disabling this task may lead to unexpected issues when ...