Information that is based upon a unique identifier but that cannot be linked an individual may be used to make a decision that directly affects that individual. For example, an individual within a certain ZIP code is presented with advertisements for companies located in that same ZIP code.
Information that allows an individual to be contacted or located in the physical world, such as a telephone number or a postal ...
Information that allows an individual to be contacted or located on the Internet, such as an e-mail address. Often, this ...
Information that can be linked to an individual may be used for research, analysis, and reporting. For example, data about ...
Information that can be linked to an individual may be used to make a decision that directly affects that individual. For ...
Information that is based upon a unique identifier but that cannot be linked an individual may be used to make a decision ...
Information that is based upon a unique identifier but that cannot be linked to an individual may be used for research, analysis, ...
Information, such as global positioning data, that can be used to identify an individual's current physical location and ...
Informational callback to request complete. (PendingCount %2) (InformationRoutine %3) (InformationContext %4) (Type %5) (Information ...
Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) received only part of a picture file before the transmission from the camera ended. The ...