IMPORTANT: The support for CLR code in the C++ language has changed considerably with this release of Visual Studio. The 'Use Managed Extensions' property, which equated to the C/C++ Compiler switch /clr in Visual Studio 2002 and 2003, has been expanded to several values in order to support new features. /clr has been converted to /clr:oldSyntax for you, but there are a variety of switch compatibility issues that you need to be aware of. (For instance, /Zl was added to projects that were created with Visual Studio 2003, but may no longer be appropriate. Because it may be appropriate to your particular project we have not removed it if it existed, but you may want to). Please see MSDN for details and additional information. (You may find the topic 'Managed Extensions for C++ Syntax Upgrade Checklist' helpful).
implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member implicitly declared for |4 '|5' in the base |6 '|7'. |1 should be ...
implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member in the base |4 '|5', and so the |1 should be declared 'Shadows'. ...
implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member in the base |4 '|5', and so the |1 should not be declared 'Overloads'. ...
IMPORTANT: The support for CLR code in the C++ language has changed considerably since the Visual Studio 2005 release. The ...
IMPORTANT: The support for CLR code in the C++ language has changed considerably with this release of Visual Studio. The ...
Importing '{0}' would change the meaning of other code in your file, including calls to extension methods. Click OK to correct ...
Importing '{0}' would change the meaning of other identifiers in this file. To correct '{1}' and preserve the meaning of ...
Importing '|1' would change the meaning of other identifiers in this file. To correct '|2' and preserve the meaning of other ...
Importing web service with multiple services or SOAP 1.1 Bindings is not supported. Select a .wsdl or .disco that only contains ...