Digital signatures must be stored in a non-repeating group that does not contain any fields. The group and all the groups that contain it must have a minimum occurrences equal to one. Note: In some cases, groups that meet these requirements still cannot store digital signatures because they do not specify the digital signatures namespace.
didn't build the filter.@There is an error in the current field. Do you want to close the filter anyway?@If you click Yes, ...
Different column display values can be substituted for values stored in the record. For each stored value, enter a different ...
Digital certificate for signing a Visual Basic for Applications project. Allows you to avoid unnecessary security warnings. ...
Digital signatures are not supported by InfoPath Forms Services for list forms. All digital signatures must be removed before ...
Digital signatures must be stored in a non-repeating group that does not contain any fields. The group and all the groups ...
Digital signatures need to be enabled on a Section control in order for users to add or view them in the form. This is the ...
Digital signatures on the entire form are not supported in %1!s!. To fix this problem, change the digital signature settings. ...
Digital signatures on the entire form are not supported in InfoPath Forms Services. To fix this problem, change the digital ...
Direct formatting, such as changing the font and color of an individual cell in a table or changing the color of a Gantt ...