Sheet names should provide information about what is found on the sheet. Blank sheets should be removed. To rename a sheet: 1) Right-click on the sheet tab and choose Rename Sheet. 2) Type a brief name that is descriptive of the sheet contents. To delete a sheet: 1) Right-click on the sheet tab and choose Delete Sheet.
SharePoint Workspace was unable to interpret the SharePoint location. Please check and ensure the location contains no typing ...
sharing is not available with because of permission settings on your network or a temporary problem. Try responding to this ...
Sharing messages for published calendars cannot be sent to contact groups. If you continue, any contact group in the To box ...
Sharpens a bitmap image. The default value is 0%. Sharpening an image focuses it by increasing the contrast of adjacent pixels. ...
Sheet names should provide information about what is found on the sheet. Blank sheets should be removed. To rename a sheet: ...
Should Microsoft decide to end this service, recipients will have access to restricted documents and e-mail for at least ...
Should this absolute path be converted to a relative path? If the source image is mirrored to other locations, the relative ...
Show a line representing how tasks have slipped in the project compared to the selected baseline. You can save a baseline ...
Show a line to represent slack. Slack, also known as float, shows how much a task can slip before it affects another task ...