Pings a server using RPC. Options are: -t - protocol sequence to use. Can be one of the standard RPC protocol sequences - ncacn_ip_tcp, ncacn_np, ncacn_http, etc. If not specified, default is ncacn_ip_tcp. -s - the server address. If not specified, the local machine will be pinged. E.g. server,, -e - the endpoint to ping. If none is specified, the endpoint mapper on the target machine will be pinged. This option is mutually exclusive with the interface (-f) option. -o - the binding options for the RPC ping. See the MSDN for more details (RpcStringBindingCompose and RPC over HTTP). -f [,MajorVer] - the interface to ping. This option is mutually exclusive with the endpoint option. The interface is specified as a UUID. If the MajorVer is not specified, version 1 of the interface will be sought. When interface is specified, rpcping will query the endpoint mapper on the target machine to retrieve the endpoint for the specified interface. The endpoint mapper will be queried using the options specified in the command line. -O