A fatal error occurred while reading the input stream from the network. The maximum number of network packets in one request was exceeded. Try using bulk insert, increasing network packet size, or reducing the size of the request. The session will be terminated.
A failure occurred while sending row data for a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset. The status (%1!u!) provided for Row %2!Iu!, ...
A failure occurred while the file store was being cleared. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. ...
A fatal error occurred during a full-text population and caused the population to be cancelled. Population type is: %1!s!; ...
A fatal error occurred in the .NET Framework common language runtime. SQL Server is shutting down. If the error recurs after ...
A fatal error occurred while reading the input stream from the network. The maximum number of network packets in one request ...
A fatal error occurred while reading the input stream from the network. The session will be terminated (input error: %1!s!, ...
A fatal error occurred while trying to parse the script text. Verify that the script engine for the chosen language is installed ...
A feature name is required to complete the merge. No feature name was provided. Database table: "{0}"; database keys = "{1}"; ...
A field in the dataset {4}' has the name {3}'. Field names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {5} characters. ...