Recipient: {0}
Repeating address: {1}
Have the recipient use the following steps to stop forwarding their mail to the repeating address.
- In the Outlook on the web Options page, go to the Forwarding section, which is under Accounts.
- Choose Stop forwarding.
- Choose Save.
If you don't see Forwarding under Accounts, your mail is probably being forwarded due to an inbox rule. For more information on changing inbox rules, see Inbox rules in Outlook.
Recipient: {0} Check the email address spelling, and run the checks again. If you entered the intended recipient address, ...
Recipient: {0} Check the email address spelling, and run the checks again. If you used the intended recipient address, they're ...
Recipient: {0} If you used the correct recipient address, they're not receiving email because the recipient address doesn ...
Recipient: {0} If you used the intended recipient address, they're not receiving email because they don't exist in your email ...
Recipient: {0} Repeating address: {1} Have the recipient use the following steps to stop forwarding their mail to the repeating ...
Recipients will receive a link to the file location in OneDrive. After the link is added to your message, you can choose ...
Redirected address: {0} Mail flow rule: {1} Folder: {2} To make sure this doesn't happen again, update your organization's ...
Redirected address: {0} Mail flow rule: {1} To make sure this doesn't happen again, update your organization s mail flow ...
Reduce administration efforts After the consolidation, you can manage one single %BRAND_YAMMER% service rather than individual ...