You are currently using %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% in trial mode. You must have a paid subscription to add a custom domain to your %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% account. For more information, click Buy.
You already have a custom DNS record for this domain that has a host name of "www" or "@". To change your address to {0}, ...
You appear to be associated with more than one partner organization. Please select a primary organization to associate with ...
You are about to permanently associate the Apple VPP account, "{0}" with Microsoft Intune. Once this is completed, you cannot ...
You are currently using %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% in trial mode. You must have a paid subscription to add a custom ...
You are currently using %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% in trial mode. You must have a paid subscription to add a custom ...
You are going to upload an update to Microsoft Intune. This is the first step of making the update available for deployment. ...
You are not authorized to approve this delegated administration request. Only global or billing administrators of a company ...
You are trying to upload a new certificate rather than renew your existing certificate. Verify that you are uploading a renewed ...
You can add iOS apps from the app store that are free of charge as a 'Managed iOS App from the App Store'. This type of app ...