The application threw an exception when handling a settings event. The application %1 was stopped because it threw the following exception while handling an event of type %2: %3. Cause: Unhandled exception. Resolution: Check the events prior to this to resolve the unhandled exception.
The Application Sharing Server failed to start. Exception: %1 Cause: Startup errors. Resolution: Check the events prior to ...
The Application Sharing Server has failed to create a conference because of an internal failure. Conference URI: %1 Exception: ...
The Application Sharing Server SIP Listening port is not available. Cause: Sip listening is configured incorrectly. Resolution: ...
The application stopped due to an unhandled exception. The application %1 was stopped because it threw the following exception ...
The application threw an exception when handling a settings event. The application %1 was stopped because it threw the following ...
The application threw an exception while draining. The application %1 threw the following exception when draining:%2. Cause: ...
The application threw an exception while starting. The application %1 threw the following exception when starting: %2. Cause: ...
The application threw an exception while stopping. The application %1 threw the following exception when stopping: %2. Cause: ...
The application was shut down by application request. The application %1 was shut down due to a request from the application. ...