You can limit the number of users that can access the share at the same time. This can be useful for managing the server load.
You can install additional drivers so that users on the following systems can download them automatically when they connect. ...
You can install only one device at a time. Another device installation is underway, when it is finished you can try this ...
You can keep working while the drive is being encrypted. Your computer's performance will be affected and free space will ...
You can let the wizard choose a replication partner for the installation of this domain controller or you can specify a domain ...
You can limit the number of users that can access the share at the same time. This can be useful for managing the server ...
You can limit the number of users who can connect to the share at the same time. This can be useful to limit server load. ...
You can limit the processor features that a virtual machine can use. This improves the virtual machine's compatibility with ...
You can listen to a portable music player or other device through this %1 jack. If you connect a microphone, you may hear ...
You can make programs on an RD Session Host server available to users through RemoteApp. When a user starts a RemoteApp program, ...