Two or more fields have identical field names for the first 36 characters in the %1 table. Rename the fields to generate an AxBC class for the table.
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's Microsoft Dynamics ...
Turn on OneNote integration for the entities you select. Only entities that are already enabled for document management are ...
Turn on or off all features that require internet access. This applies to all users and includes the Help pane, Skype integration, ...
Turning on the Change Log might slow things down, especially if you are monitoring entities that often change. Do you want ...
Two or more fields have identical field names for the first 36 characters in the %1 table. Rename the fields to generate ...
Type a category to identify the appointment type, such as sales demo, prospect call, or service call, to tie the appointment ...
Type a category to identify the email type, such as lead outreach, customer follow-up, or service alert, to tie the email ...
Type a category to identify the fax type, such as sales offer or press release, to tie the fax to a business group or function. ...
Type a category to identify the letter type, such as sales offer or past due notice, to tie the letter to a business group ...