Select the currency translation type to use to determine the exchange rate: Average (use the average of the exchange rates ...

Select the currency translation type to use to determine the exchange rate: Average (use the average of the exchange rates that were entered for the current month), Weighted average (use the average of the exchange rates that were entered for the current month, based on how long they were in effect; the following formula is used: (Exchange rate * Number of days in effect) + (Exchange rate * Number of days in effect) / Number of days in the month; for example, exchange rate A is .76 and is in effect for 25 days of the current month; exchange rate B is .74 and is in effect for six days of the current month, which has 31 days; the weighted average would be equal to ((.76 * 25) + (.74 * 6)) / 31, or .756129); Current (use the exchange rate that was in effect on the report date), or Transaction date (use the exchange rate that was in effect on the date of the transaction).
English (United States)