Migrating a virtual machine from a third party virtualization platform will create a copy of the virtual machine. Ensure the virtual machine works correctly on the new platform before removing the source virtual machine.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable was not successfully installed. The selected Virtual Machine Manager feature cannot ...
Migrate the virtual machine to a host that supports the conversion of pass-through disks and then try the operation again. ...
Migrating %VMName; will cause saving state of the virtual machine, resulting in a temporary loss of service to all users ...
Migrating a virtual machine from a third party virtualization platform will create a copy of the virtual machine. Ensure ...
Migrating a virtual machine from a third party virtualization platform will create a copy of the virtual machine. Ensure ...
Migration check for virtual machine %VMName; failed to create a planned virtual machine in the target host. Detailed error ...
Mimimum Absolute Bandwidth setting on the virtual network adapter must be at least 10 Mbps if the virtual switch (%Name;) ...
Mimimum Bandwidth Weight setting on the virtual network adapter must be between 0 and 100 if the virtual switch (%Name;) ...
Mitigates the effects of skipping the deployment of the SQL Server instance by taking any required corrective action within ...