Search on full-text catalog '%1!s!' for database ID %2!s!, table or indexed view ID %3!s! with search condition '%4!s!' failed with unknown result (0x%5!s!).
Script level upgrade for database '%1!s!' failed because upgrade step '%2!s!' encountered error %3!s!, state %4!s!, severity ...
Script level upgrade for database '%1!s!' failed because upgrade step '%2!s!' was aborted before completion. If the abort ...
Scripting statistics and histograms can significantly increase the time that is required to generate the scripts. Additionally ...
Scripting system objects with dependencies is not supported when AllowSystemObjects is set to false. Error at Urn ='{0}'. ...
Search on full-text catalog '%1!s!' for database ID %2!s!, table or indexed view ID %3!s! with search condition '%4!s!' failed ...
Security context for operating system objects could not be created. SQL Server cannot be started. Look for corresponding ...
Security identification number (SID) of the logged-in user. You can find this information in the syslogins table of the master ...
See column 'Object No.' from table 'All Objects' for value of 'Object No.' It is the unique number assigned to each Object. ...
Select a column and use Up and Down buttons to change its order. Move the column under Groups to group data by that column. ...