Creates a media pool. RSM CREATEPOOL /M /T[G|F /A[EXISTING|ALWAYS|NEW /D /R /M: Name of the Media Pool to be created. The ...

Creates a media pool.  RSM CREATEPOOL   /M  [/T[G|F]]  /A[EXISTING|ALWAYS|NEW]  [/D]  [/R]  /M: Name of the Media Pool to be created.  The /TG option should be used when the MediaPoolTypeID is supplied  as a GUID. The /TF option should be used when the MediaPoolTypeID is supplied  as a friendly name.  /A actions: One of the following must be specified. EXISTING: Open existing media pool. ALWAYS:  Open existing media pool or create new one. NEW:  Create new media pool. Returns error if one already    exists.  /D: Media pool can draw media from free pool. /R: Media pool can return media to free pool.
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