Setup was unable to convert %1!u! document files to the format required by applications. Please run 'NSS2DOC.EXE -caq' after the system is installed in order to convert the remaining document files and list any failures."
Setup was unable to change the password for user account %1 using the encrypted password apecified because of the following ...
Setup was unable to check your active directory upgrade preparation state. To successfully upgrade your domain controller, ...
Setup was unable to complete installation of the security subsystem; waiting for SAM to initialize failed as follows: %1 ...
Setup was unable to contact the Cluster Management Service on the virtual server that hosts this database instance. Please ...
Setup was unable to convert %1!u! document files to the format required by applications. Please run 'NSS2DOC.EXE -caq' after ...
Setup was unable to create a paging file because of the following error: %1 You can use Control Panel to create a paging ...
Setup was unable to create the partitions listed in the ASR state file, asr.sif. Please check that the correct floppy is ...
Setup was unable to detect the amount of free space on the partition(s) on which the Active Directory database and/or log ...
Setup was unable to determine your time zone. After Setup completes, you should use the Regional Settings icon in Control ...