Unable to connect to the server that is specified in the URL, '{0}'. Make sure that the server is running, the URL is correct, and you have permission to use the server.
Unable to connect to Oracle database server '%1!s!' using the Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle. For addition information, ...
Unable to connect to server '{0}'. Please make sure user '{1}' has at least read permission to some database on the server. ...
Unable to connect to the Report Server WMI provider for the specified SQL server instance name. Verify that you specified ...
Unable to connect to the server at {0}. The specified URL might not be valid or there might be a problem with the report ...
Unable to connect to the server that is specified in the URL, '{0}'. Make sure that the server is running, the URL is correct, ...
Unable to connect to the SQL Server debugger. To fix this, please stop the debugging session and update the version of mssdi98.dll ...
Unable to connect to the TSX '{0}'. Do you want to force an MSX- side defection of this server? If you choose 'Yes', then ...
Unable to create the public synonym %1!s!. Verify that the replication administrative user has been granted the CREATE SYNONYM ...
Unable to create/attach any new database because the number of existing databases has reached the maximum number allowed: ...