Define the efficiency percentage that is used when production is scheduled during the interval. Scheduling time = Time * 100 / Efficiency percentage. The time that is used in the formula includes both processing time and setup time. For example, if the efficiency percentage is 200, all scheduling times are reduced by 50 percent. You can define the efficiency percentage for both the operation time and the operation resource. The capacity is then calculated based on the efficiency percentage of both the operation resource and the working time. For example, you can use the efficiency percentage of operation times when shifts have different efficiencies.
Define the basis of the sales price calculation. The sales price calculation is based on local currency. The final sales ...
Define the basis of the sales-price calculation. The sales-price calculation is based on local currency. The final sales ...
Define the conditions that must be met before the requisition can be submitted to workflow. This field is available only ...
Define the default over-budget permissions for user groups. You can change these settings for specific budget control rules ...
Define the efficiency percentage that is used when production is scheduled during the interval. Scheduling time = Time 100 ...
Define the expected over-consumption for the operation. Scrap percentage must be positive. The over-consumption is included ...
Define the factor by which to increase the quantity of all sales quotation lines that will be copied. For example, if you ...
Define the financial dimension combinations for budget control. When budget control is turned on, the financial dimension ...
Define the financial dimension combinations that make up a budget group, which you can use to pool budget resources. When ...