Could not retrieve the ID record corresponding to the specified file. Confirm that you have read access to the file: "{0}
Could not retrieve information from any of the Windows Deployment Services servers that were detected in the current %1. ...
Could not retrieve the backlog information. Replication group: "{1}" Replicated folder: "{2}" Source computer: {4} Destination ...
Could not retrieve the current Local Configuration Manager settings. Apply Local Configuration Manager settings and try again. ...
Could not retrieve the details of the provisioning job. Ensure that the Remote Desktop Management service and all dependent ...
Could not retrieve the ID record corresponding to the specified file. Confirm that you have read access to the file: "{0} ...
Could not retrieve the ID record corresponding to the specified file. Confirm that you have read access to the file: "{0}" ...
Could not retrieve the ID record of the specified file: "{1}". Confirm that you are running in an elevated Windows PowerShell ...
Could not save the propagation test on the reference computer. Reference computer: {2} Replicated folders: "{1}" Replication ...
Could not save the temporary Local Configuration Manager settings file. Check the properties of the destination location ...