The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined for this type in multiple EntityContainers in the metadata. Use the overload of the CreateObjectSet() method that takes a string parameter if you want to use the TEntity type and a specific EntitySet.
The EntitySet '{0}' used for creating the Ref expression does not match the EntitySet '{1}' declared on the AssociationSetEnd ...
The EntitySet '{0}' with schema '{1}' and table '{2}' was already defined. Each EntitySet must refer to a unique schema and ...
The EntitySet '{0}.{1}' differs only in case from an existing EntitySet, and is not compatible with the current language ...
The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined ...
The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined ...
The EntitySet for the End '{0}' in AssociationSet '{1}' was not specified, and cannot be inferred because none of the EntitySet ...
The EntitySet for the End '{0}' in AssociationSet '{1}'was not specified, and cannot be inferred because the EntitySet is ...
The EntitySet name '{0}.{1}' from the entity's EntityKey does not match the expected EntitySet name '{2}.{3}' from the '{4}' ...
The EntitySet name cannot be null or empty, and must be qualified with an EntityContainer name that is not null or empty. ...