This is not a valid date, or it is outside the range for dates, which is January 1, 1984 through December 31, 2149. Type a date in the correct format, for example, 6/15/29 or June 15, 2029.
This is an Excel sample report for Workflow reporting. This content is generated automatically by Project Server and may ...
This is an invalid value for this resource. Only 0% or 100% completion is valid for cost resources with accrual at the start ...
This is an invalid value for this resource}Only 0% or 100% completion is valid for cost resources with accrual at the start ...
This is not a valid Cost value. For Cost resources (such as expenses, fees, or budgets), type a positive number between 0 ...
This is not a valid date, or it is outside the range for dates, which is January 1, 1984 through December 31, 2149. Type ...
This is not a valid delay sign. Negative delay values can only be given to tasks or assignments that are in a schedule-from-finish ...
This is not a valid delay sign.}Negative delay values can only be given to tasks or assignments that are in a schedule-from-finish ...
This is not a valid field. Check the information in your .MPX file to see if there is data in fields that does not match ...
This is not a valid field.}Check the information in your .MPX file to see if there is data in fields that does not match ...