In the constructor of {0}, change the value of argument {1}, which is currently "{2}", to something that can be correctly parsed as {3}.
In resource {0}, in XML element '{1}', the discrete term '{2}' in '{3}' should be expressed as a compound word. If '{2}' ...
In resource {0}, referenced by name '{1}' the discrete term '{2}' in string value '{3}' should be expressed as a compound ...
In resource {0}, referenced by name '{1}', the compound word '{2}' in string value '{3}' exists as a discrete term. If your ...
In silent mode, either one of /sourceMedia, /sourceWeb switches was missing, or it specified an invalid location ('{0}'). ...
In the constructor of {0}, change the value of argument {1}, which is currently "{2}", to something that can be correctly ...
In the constructor of {0}, change the value of argument {1}, which is currently an empty string ("), to something that can ...
In the Database list, click the database you want to connect to. If you want to connect to a specific cube in that database, ...
In the Database list, click the database you want to connect to. If you want to connect to a specific table in that database, ...
In the Database list, click the database you want to connect to. If you want to connect to a specific table or cube, make ...