Cancel this meeting. This meeting will be removed from your calendar and you will be given the option of sending cancellation messages to the attendees.
can't be the same as the application (e.g. '~/'). It must be a path underneath of the application (e.g. '~/ProjectCollections/Collection1'). ...
Can't change property {0} on test {1} because the test is open in an editor. Please close the editor in order to make this ...
Can't launch server for '{0}'. This may be caused by using a custom web server which ASP.NET Profiler does not support at ...
Cancel this meeting invitation. No meeting will be created on your calendar, and no invitations will be sent to other people. ...
Cancel this meeting. This meeting will be removed from your calendar and you will be given the option of sending cancellation ...
Canceling the New Team Project Wizard will delete this project and all of its contents. It may take several minutes for this ...
Cannot access performance counters on {0}. To open performance counters user accounts must be a member of the security group ...
Cannot access protected member '%1!ls!' via a qualifier of type '%2!ls!'; the qualifier must be of type '%3!ls!' (or derived ...
Cannot access the delegate type '{0}' for the '{1}' event. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does not allow ...