'{0}' is not a valid hosted service name. The hosted service name can only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. To create a Hosted Service, login to the Windows Azure Portal (http://windows.azure.com), select your project, click on New Service, and then click on Hosted Services.
is not a valid data source name. A data source name must contain only letters, digits, and underscore characters, and must ...
is not a valid data source name. A data source name must contain only letters, digits, and underscore characters, and must ...
is not a valid database. The format for this argument should be 'Machine[\SqlInstance];DatabaseName'. If no SqlInstance is ...
is not a valid expression. Records must include at least one field. Empty sequences are specified by using Seq.empty or an ...
is not a valid hosted service name. The hosted service name can only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. To create a Hosted ...
is not a valid IterationCount value for a RepeatBehavior structure. An IterationCount value must represent a number that ...
is not a valid link to a storyboard. A valid link is an absolute file path specification (including network paths), or a ...
is not a valid LobSystem name. LobSystem name cannot contain # % | \ / : " ' < > ? or Unicode control characters. Please ...
is not a valid markup extension expression. Cannot resolve '{1}' in namespace '{2}'. '{1}' must be subclass of MarkupExtension. ...